www.zazzle.com |
Peanut butter & jelly! Delicious, comforting, sticky, messy, potentially causes hives and anaphylactic shock!
Technology! Fun, helpful, fast changing, messy, potentially causes hives and anaphylactic shock!
It's all about how you handle it. Is it messy? Make sure you have a plan to clean up. Try hand wipes or and solid district tech plan to back you up. Also advice from someone who has made a pb&j or used the technology before is a great way to avoid potential messes. Hives? Have an Epi-pen at the ready and a good mindset before embarking on a new technology path. Fast-changing? Sometimes changes are a good thing...make things easier, more convenient, and mobile.
http://www.crushable.com/ |
Though sometimes technology might get too far away from what the students or patrons need...or want. No matter how you market it, it's still a sandwich in a can.
http://www.thelunchtray.com/candwich-sandwich-can/ |
Add a little innovation and planning to a peanut butter & jelly sandwich or a put new technology in the hands of a skilled teacher librarian and you get this...the ultimate combination!
http://imgur.com/PrEDN0j |
If libraries are the portals to information, then it makes perfect sense that they provide access to all forms of information. Remember, once upon a time the printing press was new technology.
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